Safety Handbook for Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Safety Handbook for Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Safety Handbook for Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

HTL’s Hydraulic Torque Wrenches are designed to tighten and loosen bolted connections. With safety being at the forefront of toolbox talks when on site, HTL understand the importance placed on safety therefore test and service all equipment consistently to the highest standards. Warning In accordance with ISO-2725, heavy duty impact sockets should always be used […]

Hydraulic Torque Pumps

What is the difference between Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Electric pumps?

There is not a single method of power transmission that is the best choice for all applications and some applications can even incorporate a combination of systems. Fluid power is a term used to describe hydraulic and pneumatic systems as both of these technologies use a fluid to transmit power by simply moving it from […]

Turnaround Shutdowns

Turnarounds and Shutdowns

Commercial facilities, manufacturing process and industrial plants all require essential asset maintenance. Most of the inspections, repairs, replacements, alterations and/or minor maintenance work can be carried out on equipment whilst the plant is in operation, and is known as ‘on line’ maintenance. Major, more thorough maintenance and repairs can also be completed, however they are […]

Complete Bolting Packages

Heat Exchangers and the Bolting of Gaskets

Bolt tensioning is now the preferred method of tightening bolts and studs on all critical applications. Bolt tensioners are designed for use on a wide range of applications including pipeline flanges, pressure vessels, compressor covers, boiler feed pumps and heat exchangers to name a few. Heat Exhangers Shell and Tube, Air Cooled and the Plate-Type […]

Hydraulic Torque Wrench Top Tips

Hydraulic Torque Wrench Top Tips

A hydraulic torque wrench is a precision instrument designed to tighten bolt heads on excavator tracks, tower crane assemblies, foundation connections and various other applications. To guarantee the best performance of a hydraulic torque wrench, a proper maintenance and calibration schedule should be followed as well as operating guidelines.  Guidelines are provided for acceptable torque […]

Subsea and Topside Tensioning

Subsea and Topside Tensioning

Tensioning permits the simultaneous tightening of multiple bolts. Tensioners are connected in sequence via a high pressure hose assembly to a single pump unit. This method ensures that each tensioner develops the exact same load and provides a uniform clamping force across the joint, avoiding damage and ensuring a secure sealed connection is achieved. Tensioning […]

Moving Heavy Loads

A Heavy Solution

Skidding techniques have been used for centuries to aid in the movement, of otherwise, immoveable loads. Today, Hydraulic Skidding Systems have been developed and are suited to applications where space is confined. Their most frequent applications are moving and positioning industrial equipment, transformers and production machines. As Holmatro’s UK Partner, HTL can provide a Holmatro […]

Pipe Cutting Operations Made Simple

With HTL’s Pipe Cutting equipment, also known in the industry as split frame cutters and clamshell cutters, you can simplify jobs and complete them quicker with the use of one machine. The low clearance split frame pipe cutting and bevelling machines produce high metal removal rates and with a large adjustment range and suited to […]

Joint Integrity

Why use bolting software?

Bolted joints in particular can be a source of concern for engineers, as frequently assumptions are made to assess whether the joint is capable of sustaining the forces applied to it. Failure of a single bolted joint can have disastrous consequences for the reliability and safety of bolted connections. As we’ve learned the reliability and […]

Turnaround Shutdowns

Operation and Maintenance Procedures

Use the HTL Low Profile Hydraulic Torque Wrench to install and remove large bolts that have minimal wrench clearance. This British made tool provides precision high torque during bolt makeup and maximum torque for bolt breakout. The HTL Low Profile Torque Wrench is the ultimate torque wrench for flange work; it is lightweight, durable and […]