A Knowledge Only Test takes place at HTL’s ECITB approved Test Centre and typically lasts one hour. It is important before attending the test session to revise your knowledge of the subject area. You will be asked to show photo ID, provide your NI number, email address and complete the ECITB data consent form. HTL will take a digital photo of you for ECITB records. The test is taken on a computer or tablet with no supporting materials or use of assistance from smartphones or your own tablet. HTL will operate a clear desk policy and invigilate your test session. The Invigilator is present purely to administer the test session and will not provide training or guidance on the test content. No assistance can be given to a candidate during the test by other candidates or the Invigilator.
Connected Competence standardises base competence and training requirements for the offshore and site workforce in the UK. It streamlines training, increases the base level of competence and assists with the efficient transfer of employees between companies.
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below:
The multi-choice questions will cover the main areas and topics as highlighted below: